Friday, December 07, 2012

Fire truck

We have been getting a lot of boxes around here lately. They are chock full of toys for the cafe and that is so fun! But even after the new toys have been spirited off to the guest room to await their new life at Stay & Play, we have a great time with the boxes. Normally we just climb in them and on them and use them for houses and boats. But yesterday was special.

Yesterday was dear Daddy's birthday! When I asked Ella what we should give Daddy, she said she wanted him to have a fire truck to go inside. And I realized, we actually had the materials on hand to make that happen. First I (in an oh-so-Martha-Stewart fashion . . . or not) cut and taped some of our boxes together into a fire truck shape. Ella got to use one of her latest favorite phrases for that part, "It's hard to wait." She keeps telling us that "____ takes a wong time" and then, "it's hard to wait." Anyway, then we colored it. and THEN, we climbed in it to test it out. It worked great.

(Oh to have had a better angle for this picture! I took it blind reaching my hand in and almost caught such a cute moment. Sigh.)

 Here is Ella showing our masterpiece to Daddy! He loved it and got right inside.

In the next photo, take a long meaningful look at that green vase to Daddy's right. It will be your last.

Unfortunately, Daddy doesn't have a lot of experience driving fire trucks.

Oh well. We had a fun memory to replace that vase with, which I call a win. : )

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